Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Small Press Month, Tip # 15

March 15 - Create a lecture or short talk about your topic and call venues to ask if you can give the lecture.  Make sure you are giving your audience some value -- not just blabbing about your book, and that "everyone who has read it says they could not put it down." Audiences won't want to see that, and you are more likely to turn off a sale than turn it on.
  • Carefully craft your talk, so that it gives them information about your topic, but makes them want to read more by buying your book. 
  • Give them something they can't get anywhere other than at one of your talks. 
  • Call libraries, retirement centers, universities, groups, chamber of commerce offices, historical societies (whatever is appropriate for your particular book) within a radius of where you might like to travel to give your talk.
  • Ask the organizer how long they want you to speak and who will be in the audience. If they give you 20 minutes -- strictly adhere to that, as they probably have other plans or more knowledge about the activities that day than you do.
  • Reserve your spot for a speaking opportunity at least two months in advance to give them time to promote and build excitement.
  • Show up on time and be prepared.
Have fun!

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