Thursday, March 31, 2011


On this, the final day of Small Press Month, I celebrate all of those who have voluntarily embarked on the journey of self publishing in your own small press. We are gaining ground in changing the way self publishing is perceived, but it takes all of us to demand excellence. Forget the detractors and cynics. We know that quality self publishing affords flexibility of timing and editorial content; but with that comes the responsibility to produce quality products that deliver value in a more timely fashion than a traditional publisher can do.

As an advocate for self publishing, I pledge to continue the quest to help you, the independent author, share your stories to a proper and realistic audience with the highest quality product possible.

I ask you to pledge the following for the good of the entire self publishing industry. One bad apple CAN spoil this bushel, so stand tall, self publishing comrades -- and demand excellence of yourself and others!
  • I promise to never consider self publishing as a step down, or a last resort, and to always celebrate the vital role self publishing plays in the world of books.
  • I promise to not let my ego get in the way of producing useful and entertaining products.
  • I promise to strive to learn and to improve my writing every day of my writing career.
  • I promise to listen and accept the advice of a professional editor and other book professionals I hire.
  • I promise to use quality production techniques.
  • I promise to use professional business practices in my publishing endeavor, from concept to distribution.
  • I promise to learn the wholesale and retail side of the book business and to conduct myself correctly when in this environment for the good of the whole industry.
  • I promise to lift up and support other self publishers that produce exceptional products, and try to help those who aren't quite there.
Happy Small Press Month, my friends.

Here's a valuable article from Penny Sansevieri in the Huff Post:
How to write and publish the (almost) perfect book

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