Ok, admit it. You like shiny things. Things with bling stick out among the vast array of choices. We like shiny things too. Shiny things often come with someone else saying sparkling things about your book, and we like that too!
Are Awards Competitions and Seals of Approval Worth the Cost?
After decades of entering books, I have to say that experience with the award helps me make better decisions about them. If their Call for Entries says "Winners will be announced to the media in a National press release," I suggest Googling the award to see if they indeed did that last year! If their Call for Entries says you'll get additional exposure from winning, Google that too.
We find there are many fantastic awards programs that we enter frequently because they do what they say they will do. Here are a few of my personal favorites (and yes, we know there are lots more!):
Once a year competitions with approaching deadlines:
Foreword Reviews IndieFab (formerly Book of the Year): https://indiefab.forewordreviews.com
IBPA Ben Franklin Awards http://ibpabenjaminfranklinawards.com/
Eric Hoffer Awards http://www.hofferaward.com/
Next Gen Indie Book Awards http://www.indiebookawards.com/
Global E-book Awards http://globalebookawards.com/
You can enter this one all year:
Mom's Choice Seal of Approval http://www.momschoiceawards.com/enter.php
Be aware that sometimes when you win, you have to purchase a license to use their seal -- they don't want just anyone saying they won their award, so they charge a fee to use it.
It's very simple really.
#1 Write a great manuscript
#2 Produce a great book
#3 Enter it and win lots of awards.
See it's easy! :) Do it! Enter something. You'll get good feedback on your book, and you just might win something shiny. And here's proof that shiny things make a difference...

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