When Writing Press
Releases (Part 1)
Guest Blogger, friend, and colleague Sandra Wendel
Let me convey my best advice in a few words: Who cares if you wrote a book? You may
stop reading now if you’re pressed for time and just wanted the Cliffs Notes on this blog post.
Yes, you wrote a book. Yes, you want publicity. Yes, you
need to get the word out about your book and sell a million copies (or
realistically at least a few hundred, but you hope for a few thousand). But
That’s where perfectly terrific writers who have written a
magnificent manuscript that has been expertly designed and independently published
turn into do-it-yourselfers with two left thumbs (unless, of course, they have
two left hands through the miracle of medical transplantation, which would be a
real news angle for a press release on a book on that subject).
In other words, many authors (and their publishers) can’t
seem to expertly execute the press release part of their marketing strategy. In
many cases, the press release becomes an afterthought to which they give little
Not a good idea.
Yes, you need a press release. Yes, you will want to alert
certain media outlets that you wrote a book. But nobody cares you wrote a book,
and unless you feel like wasting time and effort (and probably precious
marketing bucks), stop the presses right now until you read here how to craft a
press release that delivers (articles, readers, reviews = sales).
By “delivers,” I mean turning your press release into a key
cog in your marketing machine that turns into book sales. It’s one thing to
pump out a press release telling the world about your wonderful new thriller,
memoir, or self-help book, but I ask again, “Who cares?” Other than your family and maybe a few desperately loyal
friends, nobody cares.
What journalists and bloggers care about is a hook, an
angle, and a reason to give your “news” some space in their newspaper or on
their website or a mention in their book review blog. Book bloggers are the new
book reviewers, by the way, and you need to find them and give them a reason to
pay attention to you.
Just because you wrote a book is not news. Please read that
sentence again. It’s brutally true.
So what makes a busy, tired, overworked, underappreciated
journalist or blogger or book reviewer on a tight deadline stop and take notice
of your press release?
Oh, I have used up my allotment of words for today's blog, so
you’ll have to read the next installment for the six outrageous mistakes
authors make in writing their press releases.
Gotcha, didn’t I? Never underestimate the power of a
powerful news hook and headline.
Part 2 tomorrow...
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