Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Is this the year you will become a published author?

This could be your year!  There are more alternatives, more opportunities and more distribution channels than ever to share your story.  Brush off those beginning chapters you started but didn't know how to finish and what to do next, and stay tuned...

  1. Define what success is to YOU. Be specific!  Why are you writing a book?
  2. Who will want to read your book. Be specific - Everybody is NOT an answer.
  3. Decide who will BUY your book. If you are self publishing, your marketing dollars go here.
  4. Don't spend a dime until you fully understand 1-3.
  5. Be realistic, positive and get informed. Realize that no matter what your budget is, there IS a way to get you published.
My 2013 resolution is to complete a useful blog post every week of this year with lots of great tips and things to think about as you embark on your exciting journey.
Want to get the info in condensed form?  
We have classes at Metro Community College in the Omaha area.

How to Write Your Book:  January 12, 9:00am to noon, Sarpy campus (Course COMM-005N-70)
How to Publish Your Book: February 16, 9:00am to noon, Sarpy campus (Course COMM-525N-70)
How to Market Your Book: March 2, 8:45am to 11:45, Sarpy Campus (Course COMM-530N-70)

Register: All classes are $29 (senior discounts are available) www.mccneg.edu/ce or call 402-457-5231

1 comment:

  1. I took your classes in the Fall -- They were great! I'll be making an appointment for some consultation in March or so. This IS my year! Thanks! Jenna E.


Ask your questions here, or send your self publishing questions via email to lisa@conciergemarketing.com. Thanks!